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Personal Coaching Program
In this program you will learn step by step how to make sustainable changes that will improve your physical and mental well-being.
This program looks at all elements of a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, wellness, nutrition and mindfulness. Together we will explore your worries, set goals and find ways to help you live a harmonous and joyful life.
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Fill out the holistic health coaching questionary
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Schedule a free ‘try-out’ conversation
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Register to the Personal Coaching Program
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Start inner working of your body and mind
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1 coaching session every 1 or 2 weeks
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Sessions of 60 minutes length
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Session via Internet or face-to-face
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Mental exercises during session and as homework
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Development & Challenge
During our sessions, we will discuss your problems and achievements, we will set up new goals and challenges together, as well as address all issues related to health, physical activity and spirituality.
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Advices & Suggestions
Every session will be built on the last one, and you’ll get tips and methods on how to listen and follow your body, among many other resources that will help you progress and easily integrate into your life.
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New Healthy Routines
During the program, we will set new goals and create new healthy routines with new experience, information, practical advices and implementations so you can continue your life being healthy and happy.
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Learn to listen to:
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Your Body
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Your Mind
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Fill out the holistic health coaching questionary.
Invest your time in coaching that really encourages and empowers you.
Online Holistic Health Coaching questionary
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