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Training and development

Improve your work-life balance.

Become a better professional.


It’s great to be your own boss. To have full control, to be able to choose which job you will do and which you will reject. To have the business running healthy and well, to have a great life outside of work and to feel confident and happy that life cannot be better than this…

Unfortunately, there are only very few such outstanding people who have everything in balance.

It’s great to be your own boss but it can be very tense too, as the responsibility for all decisions rests on our shoulders.

We spend time thinking about cash flow and sustainability, where the next customer or consumer will come from, how we should develop our products and services and what we should do to make our employees more involved.

We think about where we want to move the company and whether the business is standing still.

All these tasks, problems and decisions can be so heavy, that it can drown us in stress, anxiety, depression or other health problems.


With training, you’ll learn how to…

  • Be more focused at work;
  • Increase self-confidence;
  • Keep work/life balance;
  • Improve motivation;
  • Be able to cope with changes and stress;
  • Have clarity – knowing what to do and how to do it;
  • Be productive;
  • Manage your time better;
  • Have better relationships with colleagues.


This course is right for you if…

  • You just took a step and started working on your own or been successfully managing your business for many years now
  • You want to take control of your business instead of being controlled by it
  • You want to learn how to combine time for yourself, family, friends and the best things in life together with work
  • You suffer from stress, anxiety, depression or other health problems.
  • You want to find appropriate ways to move forward, maintain focus and eliminate distractions.


This course is probably not for you if…

  • You think you understand the behaviour of your body & mind
  • You are sceptical about natural health solutions
  • You want to learn about business development

You’re in good hands!


Jogile Dambrauskaite

Book your first FREE 30 min session here!



You are the only person who can make a difference.


What is training and development?

Basically, it’s a partnership in which you set an agenda for what you want to achieve and your coacher/trainer will help you understand what it means in detail, find appropriate ways to move forward, maintain focus and eliminate distractions.

Your trainer will encourage and motivate you to stay on the right track to really do what you want to do and to succeed. One of the most important things that the coacher will do is to help you maintain a positive attitude and help you turn negative attitudes into positive attitudes.

When you work independently, your ideas for developing the company often just resonate in your head. Talking aloud to someone who can relate to what you say and reflect your ideas will help you break the cycle and develop more creative ideas and a clearer focus.


Working with a trainer will help you…

  • Understand any limiting beliefs that may prevent you from achieving greater success;
  • Get out of your comfort zone so that you can achieve what you previously thought was impossible, giving you additional satisfaction and joy.


Does training always work?

If you are fully dedicated to working with your trainer, ready to try something new and actually do what you want, then yes, training will be successful.

You are the only person who can make a difference.

Your trainer supports, encourages, motivates and inspires you, but in the end, your trainer cannot do the work for you, and you have to work hard to make that happen.

Like many things in life, you only get what you put in

Three pillars of my work.

Mind map

Personal responsibility

Everything is within yourself. Your thoughts lead to certain feelings that cannot be divided into right or wrong. They are just there. But everything that you constantly think and feel will show up in your life without a doubt.



NOW is the only time you can live. Through your senses you experience life. Your intuition guides you to the right action. Observe, perceive and live an easy life with awake consciousness.



Life can be experienced simply and directly. Complicated explanations are not necessary. The clarity in thinking leads to self-determined feeling and acting.

You’re in good hands!


Jogile Dambrauskaite

Book your first FREE 30 min session here!