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Clara Palau is working as a therapist in helping other people to deal with their pain, helping them to better understand their bodies and souls through body psychotherapy, sound healing and different bodywork related to human connections. In this micro-interview, Clara answers few brief questions.

What does your morning routine look like?

Clara: My morning routine is related to children because they are the first. Today I woke up at six o’clock, “mommy I’m hungry…” In summer they sleep a little bit longer and my routine starts with dancing. It’s a way to energize the beginning of your day. 

Sometimes in the middle of the week, we wake up so early and we have time until school starts, so sometimes we put on some music and we dance together, sometimes we do some yoga positions, sometimes we do nothing – we just play and have breakfast.

But at the same time, I love yoga. I have done yoga for the last 10 years with breaks but this is my favourite exercise actually and dancing of course. I don’t know if you know this 20 20 20 routine? That means you do 20 minutes of exercise, it can be dancing it can be whatever where you get sweat, some activity where you move your body. Then you do 20 minutes of writing and you just say thank you for anything you feel in your life these 20 minutes. So imagine 20 minutes everyday spending being thankful for things in your life. And then the last 20 minutes is to learn something whatever you want to learn. Nowadays on the internet, you can hear TED talks or whatever so you make sure every day you learn something. This is a method to learn or to invite abundance in your life and I did that this summer and yeah it was really powerful, really!

Okay, the second question is what book have you recommended the most?

Clara: The book that I gave the most personally as a present to friends is “Women Who Run with Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. This is a must. The message that’s behind talks a lot about the wolf woman, the salvage and where we come from. It’s a book that you could always take and read because you always learn or remember something that it’s powerful.

women who run with wolves

Buy the book here

What are you currently most passionate about?

Clara: Right now my work. I’m enjoying it, I’m learning a lot, I’m really getting inspired about what happens, what touches me through the process of each one and I love it.

I’m passionate as well about painting. Since my kids are a little bit older I find a little bit of time for painting again and that’s a pleasure as well and that’s a passion and I always have a feeling that I want more time for it as it’s a type of meditation as well, being with yourself. Being creative is so important whatever it is – painting, dancing, producing music. To create is so important because we have so much to give. Actually, my midwife, that helped me deliver my kid she said that our creative source as women is in our uterus because in our uterus we create life but as well it’s a place where we can create projects, create experiences and it’s a very powerful organ that gives us pleasure too. So if you connect to this creative fountain, source, it’s amazing! It’s really important to be connected to our creative force!


If you are interested in knowing more about bodywork, the Grinberg method, sound healing, women retreats, couples workshops, family constellation and much more, watch the full episode of OneMindZone Inspirational Conversations here:


Clara Palau

Body Psychotherapy & Sound Healing


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