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It is easy to ignore our fears and hope that they will simply disappear.

Unfortunately they rarely do…

If you do not face your fears, they will eventually control you.

But how do you face them?

The most common way to face your fears is through exposure, where you gradually face the thing or situation you are afraid of.

With the right mindset, you will ask yourself why you did not do it earlier!

So what can you do about it?


1. Make a list of your fears

To fight your fears, you need to know what scares you.

Make a list of the things you are afraid of.

What are they?

Where do they come from?

What are their origins?

When do they appear?

When do they seem not to be so bad?

How do you feel about them?

If you look at yourself on paper, you can be a little more logical and objective in dealing with your fear.

2. Think things through

Thinking things through and recognising that fear is a normal human emotion can help you find the strength to face it.

3. Distinguish between rational and irrational fears

In some situations it is quite natural to feel a certain amount of fear. Understanding when fear makes sense and when it doesn’t can help you overcome yourself.

4. Face your thinking

Remember that your fear is just a way of thinking – one that you can control.

But if you change your “internal dialogue” or how you think about a situation, you can change how you react to your fears.

One way to do this is to switch from thinking about the absolute worst-case scenario to the best-case scenario.

5. Think about your past successes

Thinking about your successes can help you to build up your self-confidence, and this can help you feel strong enough to overcome your fear.

You have probably achieved more successes than you think, even if they are not gigantic things.

6. Expose yourself to your fear

Begin this step repeatedly until you start to feel comfortable. Plan these steps in advance so that you have the situation under control.

The longer you face the situation or thing you are afraid of, the more likely it is that you will break through the cycle of fear.

7. Talk about your fears

When you talk to others about your fears, you can see that you are not alone and they can seem more manageable.

Your friends may be able to find solutions to help you overcome what you are afraid of. You might even be able to make fun of your fears, which can help you feel brave enough to face them.


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