Do you toss and turn in bed at night and just can’t get to sleep? Meditating could help you relax your body and mind and get a better night’s sleep.
It doesn’t matter if you meditate right before bed or start a daily relaxation practice in the morning – both can help you reduce stress, have a calmer mind and sleep better overall.
Here’s how you can use 5 min sleep meditation to solve your sleep problems and end your sleepless nights.
Studies show the effectiveness of meditation in combating sleep problems
Studies have shown that daily meditation can improve sleep quality and duration. It doesn’t matter what time of day you meditate. This is because meditating can reduce anxiety, depression and stress. Sleep disorders or insomnia are often caused by these mental health factors.
So, meditating regularly can be one of the most effective and natural treatments for sleepless nights.
A 2015 study also showed that meditation is a helpful technique for treating insomnia. In one experiment, a group of participants were trained in the basic practices of what is called sleep hygiene. This is the establishment of certain habits and behaviours to facilitate healthy sleep. A second group was asked to perform meditation in the form of mindfulness exercises.
For six weeks, the subjects in the mindfulness group meditated for five minutes a day and attended a training session on how to be more mindful once a week. The study found that this group was able to improve their sleep quality, suffered from less fatigue and was in a better mood overall.
How to meditate right before going to bed
If you can’t fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night, try this quick and easy 5 min sleep meditation. It prepares your body for sleep.
5 min Sleep Meditation:
Step 1: First, turn off the light and find a comfortable position. It is best if you are already lying down on your bed – after all, you are meditating to fall asleep. You can also dim the light slightly if this helps you to relax. Try out which light conditions your body feels most comfortable with.
Step 2: Once you feel comfortable in your position, take several deep breaths. Feel your body sink deeper into the mattress with each exhalation. Imagine that your fears and worries are pushed further into the background with each exhalation.
Step 3: Now start by consciously feeling your head and putting all your attention on it.
Step 4: Breathe in. As you exhale, feel your head relax and the energy that has accumulated there throughout the day slowly disappear.
Step 5: Walk your body downwards in your mind, relaxing your neck, shoulders, chest, and so on. Continue until you have scanned your whole body, from head to toe.
Focus on positive thoughts before going to bed
If you feel that you are already nodding off during this meditation, allow it to happen. If this meditation does not help you to fall asleep immediately, read a book or write a diary before you go to sleep. Both can help you to think more positive thoughts and displace your fears.
Avoid picking up your phone or watching television. The blue light emitted by these devices can affect your body clock and reduce the secretion of melatonin. This in turn can make you less likely to fall asleep.
If you meditate using an app, you should focus on the audio instructions and look at the screen as little as possible.
Healthy and sufficient sleep is essential for our health. Sleep disorders affect our physical as well as mental well-being. At the same time, sleep disorders are one of the most common symptoms when we are not feeling well.
Dedicate 5 min a day to improve your sleep and overall wellbeing. You might be also interested in trying the monthly mindfulness challenge by OneMindZone where you can set your monthly goals, be aware of your actions and feelings and track your new healthy habits like meditation.
Contact your online wellness coach in Sant Cugat, Barcelona here.