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Lack of Concentration

You can’t think clearly, you can’t focus on a task or you can’t keep your attention.

With a lack of concentration, it is no longer possible to focus one’s thoughts on one activity for a certain period of time. This symptom is often accompanied by a certain restlessness, hyperactivity and rapid fatigue.

Lack of concentration meaning

Concentration disorders can occur after strong affective experiences or they can also be an expression of a physical disorder, for example, a hormone disorder or iron deficiency. Concentration disorders can also occur in mental illness.

Lack of concentration and focus symptoms

Concentrating on something for longer means a mental peak performance for the brain, which demands additional energy from the body. It is therefore normal for the attention to decrease after a certain time.

How long you can concentrate varies from person to person and also depends to a large extent on age. For example, children of primary school age lose concentration after about 15 minutes on average, while teenagers manage about 30 minutes. For adults, the limit is about one hour.

So if the attention to concentrated work diminishes after a certain amount of time, it is not yet a concentration problem. Only when the ability to concentrate is clearly below the above-mentioned reference times, or when the condition persists for days or weeks, could it be a pathological concentration disorder or loss of concentration.

These are signs of lack of concentration and focus in adults or children:

  • Increased distractibility;
  • The frequent digression of thoughts
  • Other activities are taken up spontaneously
  • Tasks and activities are terminated prematurely
  • Frequent change from one activity to another
  • Interest in a task is quickly lost
  • Reduced ability to concentrate (always related to age and intelligence level)

Possible accompanying lack of concentration symptoms: Tiredness, inner restlessness, irritability, memory disorders, loss of performance, sleep disorders.

Causes of poor concentration

Concentration disorders can have a variety of causes. Among children and young people, for example, long periods of television and computer games are among the main triggers of fatigue.

In general, an unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, lack of fluids, lack of exercise, stress, alcohol, nicotine, drug abuse, etc.) can lead to poor concentration. In senior citizens, the age-related slowed metabolism and the generally worsened cerebral blood flow can also lead to poor concentration.

Pause… think…

What if you can increase ability to concentrate and live the life you want?

Lack of concentration treatment

Some ways of improving concentration can work well, while others don’t seem to do much. It is recommended trying a few approaches to see what works.

  • The food you eat can affect cognitive functions such as concentration and memory. Avoid processed foods, excess sugar and foods that are high in fat and fats.
  • Meditation and mindfulness practice can have several advantages. Improving concentration is just one of them.
  • Sleep deprivation can easily disrupt concentration, not to mention other cognitive functions such as memory and attention.

Some supplements can help improve concentration and brain function.

Get in touch to see how I can help you to deal with your concentration disorder. Please enter your details here, explain to me your worries and I will help you to find the solution that best suits your case. I will contact you back as soon as possible.

You’re in good hands

Jogile Dambrauskaite


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